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If your experiencing bad breath and dark stains on teeth inspite of brushing regularly then you might want to consider a dental cleaning(scaling).
Food debris that gets deposited on tooth surfaces gets harden after a period of time and cannot be removed by simple brushing which is the reason for foul smell.
Scaling- Hard deposits gets detached from tooth surfaces. All the areas involved are treated.
Flap Surgery- this is done if bleeding persists even after scaling. Deeper areas are carefully cleaned, infected tissue is removed. This aids in repairing tissue as well as underlying bone.procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp) and cleaning and disinfecting it, then
Teeth reacting to hot or especially cold things suggests its wearing off either from the top or the bottom.
Having rigged tooth edges or teeth reduced in its size over a period of time exposes its inner layer that is highly sensuous.
Restoration- If the tooth wear is at the bottom of the tooth near tissue, it is sealed off with permanent restorative material.
Crowns- If a considerable amount of tooth is lost due to wear, they are shaped and crowns are fixed that will restore its natural form.
Scaling- Presence of debris can cause sensitivity especially if your tissue level has changed. Scaling removes those deposits and aids in tissue healing.
Cavities are not formed overnight. Its takes from months to years for a cavity to form. If left untreated it can destroy your complete tooth structure beyond restoration.
Restorations- defective part is removed and restored with tooth colour cosmetic fillings.
Root canal treatment- If the destruction is deeper reaching your inner pulp(tissue with blood and nerve supply) and its removed, disinfected and sealed off. To increase its strength the tooth is shaped and a crown is placed restoring its form.
Extraction- tooth destroyed beyond restoration is removed surgical. They can be replaced with artificial tooth/teeth simulating the original one.
If you are observing bleeding from your gums while brushing or sometimes even with simple touch means you might have gum disease.
This causes the gums to swell and the infection destroys the soft tissue support of your teeth and if left untreated can loosen your teeth from their sockets.
Scaling- Presence of hard deposits on teeth can be one of the causes hence removed by scaling.
Flap Surgery- deeper infectious tissue and bone is cleaned and disinfected that will reduce the inflammation and ultimately bleeding.
We grow teeth only twice in our lifetime. Teeth at young age, called milk teeth, fall off and permanent teeth develop in their place and when that is lost your body cannot develop an another. But rest assured because we dentists can replace your lost tooth with an artificial one.
Implant- this is directly fixed into your bone and is the perfect simulation of your natural tooth among all replacements.
Crown and Bridge- we take support of adjacent teeth on both sides and place bridge of crowns that are attached to each other on the adjacent teeth along with a missing replacement crown part in the missing space.
Removable Partial Denture (RPD) – this is a removable prosthesis that sits in the missing space taking support of the surrounding tissue and bone and little support from your adjacent teeth.
Complete Denture (CD)- in a condition where you have lost all your teeth, this is a removable denture that replaces all your missing teeth taking support of underlying tissues and bone.
Tooth pain is one of the most dreadful experiences one can have.
Pain can be stimulated when cavities are neglected leading to infection inside the tooth. Such teeth are treated by Root canal treatment.
Root canal treatment- If the destruction is deeper reaching your inner pulp(tissue with blood and nerve supply) and its removed, disinfected and sealed off. To increase its strength the tooth is shaped and a crown is placed restoring its form.
Extraction- tooth destroyed beyond restoration is removed surgical. They can be replaced with artificial tooth/teeth simulating the original one.
Wisdom teeth are last to erupt and if your mouth doesn’t have enough space to accommodate it then it tends to remain mostly inside the bone with a little to no tooth structure out that can result in pain.
Surgical Extraction or Impaction- Removal of wisdom tooth under local anaesthesia is a minor surgical procedure. In case the tooth is completely or mostly inside the bone, small access is made through the bone and then the tooth is removed.
Crooked teeth should be corrected earliest as possible when they are noticed.
Teeth having gaps, overlapping each other, bunny teeth are treated with orthodontic therapy which is commonly referred as braces.
Metal Braces- these are traditional type of braces used. A dental visit is required frequently to ensure correct alignment of teeth.
Ceramic Braces- these are tooth coloured braces. You can be rest assured that your braces doesn’t attract any unnecessary attention.
Invisalign- These are unlike your traditional braces as they are in the form of shields and are completely transparent. They can be removed at your convenience and placed back again. It also aids in maintaining your oral hygiene.
Prevention is better than cure. Newly erupted teeth have deep fissures which are prone to caries. Diet counseling and maintaining healthy oral hygeine is the key to have a caries free mouth.
Pit and fissure sealants
Flouride application
Resin crowns